My wife and I join you today even if we are physically absent, to mourn with the family of the late Amb. Dr. Ebuk, is a good father, a husband, a leader, a professional in his field, a teacher of many, and a man of humility matched by a few people I have met.

It was in the middle of the year 2015 when I saw a mid-sized, heavy-frame gentleman walked into our offices then in Bugolobi, where we had been attempting to build a communication and teaching outfit for the Movement at that time for young people. He had a good command of what Uganda could offer to the Russian market and what the Russians could do in our country and East Africa. He was then our Ambassador to Russia. How so much needed he is today as we push for exports for our country in foreign markets, I cannot begin to explain!

We spoke about technology, agro-industrial change, skilling, and diplomacy. I was touched by his love for his profession before he left Makerere university, the list of the people who had gone through his hands, his admiration of President Museveni, and his loyalty to the Movement and country. We became friends instantly and I called him my elder brother.

When he retired, we had deeper discussions about his plans and his frustrations with some so low and uncoordinated actions at the ministry during his last deployment and I did my best to help in the best way possible. His children, especially Jane and James are people we like very much. They are committed to their country; they work together with Jonathan and are involved in agricultural production at their farm in Oyam. James has been on and off trying to help me set up some fish ponds at our farm, while Jane has been a committed communication expert on my side since 2012. We pray for the spirit of unity; that they keep together and keep the home and family of Dr. Ebuk shining as an example, all around. I was saddened by the fact that the day he died last weekend, in my diary, I had scheduled 11 am to see him at the hospital, the next Monday, this week. It hasn’t been possible. We have nothing to do anymore.

There are very few public servants that we have lost as a country like Amb Dr. Ebuk. I can name Amb. Julius Onen, Ambassador Chris Katsigazi, and many others.
They were all my friends and I was fortunate to consult them and listen to them for advice about the country and what the young people need. They were young at heart but slightly old in age and good men. I will miss them.

May the Lord give Ambassador Ebuk rest and keep his family united and strong and contributing in their fields to the growth of our country.

Odrek Rwabwogo
Farmer, Entrepreneur & senior Presidential Advisor – Special Duties

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